Countdown to NDAM, TwitchCon & more

The countdown is on! Our National Diabetes Awareness Month (NDAM) fundraiser starts in 13 days, TwitchCon kicks off tomorrow, and you have one more week to pick up the Game Asset Compendium: Cosmic Sagas & Urban Legends bundle from Humble. Plus, the most special spotlight of them all: JDRF Game2Give’s leaders and founders. Read on!

National Diabetes Awareness Month Sponsored by Ascensia Diabetes Care

NDAM: Help us raise $40K in November

If you’ve been around the Breakthrough T1D Play community awhile, you know November is a special time of year. That’s because November is NDAM, short for National Diabetes Awareness Month, and World Diabetes Day is November 14.

Our NDAM Tiltify event is open for all of November, which gives us 30 days to meet our $40K goal. (Okay, technically fundraising is already open. We won’t stop you from starting early!)

Why do a charity stream in November? If spreading type 1 diabetes (T1D) awareness isn’t a strong enough incentive on its own, there are also our Season 5 prizes, which include an Insulin / Eat / Sleep / Game / Repeat T-shirt, D20 dice, and X Rocker headsets & gaming furniture.

We have fun stuff planned all month, including Sims 4 with Crowd Control, a World Golf Tour tournament, and special installments of T1D Tuesday on the JDRF Twitch channel. Thank you to our sponsor, Ascensia Diabetes Care—the company that brings the Adult Type 1 community Eversense E3 CGM System, the only long-term CGM.

Check out our NDAM page for more details.

TwitchCon 2023

TwitchCon: See Us in the Charity Zone

TwitchCon starts tomorrow, and the Breakthrough T1D Play team is in Las Vegas at this very moment, setting up our booth in the Charity Zone.

Stop by booth CH-46 to:

  1. Play Captain Novolin, the world’s worst best T1D game, on a genuine Super Nintendo!
  2. Pick up your limited edition streaming Rufus pin!
  3. Enter for a chance to win an Insulin / Eat / Sleep / Game / Repeat shirt and a Rufus bear with matching shirt!


Humble Bundle: Pick Up the Game Asset Compendium

Our pals at Game Asset Bundle have raised over $120K for JRDF with their game development software bundles, and they’re at it again.

Through October 25, you can grab the Game Asset Compendium: Cosmic Sagas and Urban Legends software bundle, which includes 30 2D tile sets, character creation kits, music packs, and other assets to create science-fiction worlds, fantastical adventures, and much more. It’s a $464 value for just twenty bucks!

When you buy the Game Asset Compendium from Humble, a percentage of your purchase supports JDRF. Click Adjust Donation under the checkout button to max out your support.

Neon blue Breakthrough T1D sign in the foreground, with people on a ballroom dance floor in the background.

Spotlight: JDRF Game2Give’s Leaders & Founders

At this point in the newsletter, we usually put the spotlight on a member of our streaming community. Today we’re turning that light inward to recognize the leaders and founders of the JDRF Game2Give initiative.

On September 30, JDRF’s Northern California chapter held their annual Hope Gala with Josh Larson, Dan Connors, and Hans ten Cate as the honorees. They’re the driving force that has allowed us to raise more than $3M for T1D research since 2019—and they do it all for their kids.

The honorees posing with their kids.

Just like JDRF itself was started in the 1970s by T1D parents with a vision of a better future for their children, JDRF Game2Give is led by these three game industry veterans who have a vision for harnessing the power of video games to raise awareness and ultimately find cures. That vision was recognized at the Gala as game industry and T1D friends came together to raise $1.2M for JDRF.

ResurrectionFern playing an electronic piano and singing, in front of the Gala audience.

But Josh, Dan, and Hans getting their award wasn’t even the best part of the night. (No offense, guys!) That honor goes to ResurrectionFern’s beautiful live performance of “Hope,” the song she wrote for JDRF after her first Twitch fundraiser.

See the honoree video, Fern’s song, and some super fun pics from our pre-Gala visit to Twitch HQ in the blog post below.

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Breakthrough T1D Play (formerly JDRF Game2Give®) is a program within Breakthrough T1D™, the leading global type 1 diabetes (T1D) research and advocacy organization.

© 2024 Breakthrough T1D Play

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