Streaming Toolkit
Whether you’re a seasoned content creator, new to streaming, or somewhere in between, we have your back! The resources and assets below will help you get started.
Streaming Resources
Information about Breakthrough T1D and type 1 diabetes to help you prepare for your charity stream.
Get Started Guide
Want to charity stream for Breakthrough T1D, but not sure where to start? Our Get Started Guide will teach you how to set up a Tiltify campaign, how to get those donations rolling in, and how prepare for the big day.
Fundraising Tips
- ASK! Did you know that the first rule of fundraising is to ask? Believe it or not. 😉
- SET A GOAL. A goal gives you something to reach for while fundraising. You can measure your progress against this amount. If you reach the goal, you can always raise it and work toward a new target.
- SAVE THE DATE. Set a realistic schedule. You might be tempted to go all out with a 24-hour marathon or to stream every day during a Breakthrough T1D Play event. Keep in mind that charity streams are the most engaging and successful when you’re energetic and on your game, which you won’t be if you’re burned out. And in order to raise money, you need viewers! So, consider when you’re most likely to have an audience. A few shorter, well-planned charity streams can be just as successful as a 24-hour marathon.
- GET SOCIAL. Follows and likes on social media can turn into donations! Put some effort into spreading the word and building hype with people who are likely to support you. Make sure to include a link to your channel and the date and time of your charity stream (including time zone), so people know when to tune in. If you tag @BT1D_Play and @Tiltify when you tweet about your charity stream, you might get a retweet.
- EMAIL. On average, one in five fundraising emails will result in a donation. The more emails you send, the better your odds for receiving a donation. We recommend sharing your story and making these asks personal!
- LEAD THE WAY. Kick off your fundraising with a self-donation. By donating to the cause yourself, you’ll show how committed you are.
- REMEMBER YOUR SPHERE OF INFLUENCE. Make a list of everyone you know, online and IRL. From friends and family to your mailman and vet, these are the people who are most likely to donate toward your fundraising efforts!
- ASK YOUR FELLOW CREATORS FOR SUPPORT. Ask other streamers your know to help boost visibility for your charity stream by retweeting, raiding, hosting, or joining your team to fundraise with you. You can also publicize your charity stream in the Breakthrough T1D Play Discord. And pay it forward by raiding or hosting other Breakthrough T1D Play streamers during their charity streams.
- FUNDRAISING IS MORE FUN WITH FRIENDS. Ask others to join your team via email, on social media, or in person. Keep your team involved from the beginning—set contests, create a team theme, give awards to the teammates who are most committed, and join in the fun together! You’ll raise more with more people and make an even bigger impact!
- SHARE YOUR STORY. Be prepared to share your type 1 diabetes (T1D) story. Personalizing your experience and why you chose to fundraise for Breakthrough T1D will make people want to donate. You can also share facts about T1D and Breakthrough T1D to help spread awareness for the cause—our Streaming Resources page includes talking points to give you ideas about what to say. And you can encourage viewers to ask questions about T1D in the chat.
- BE A BROKEN RECORD. Mention that you’re raising money for Breakthrough T1D every ten to fifteen minutes during your stream. This way new people who come in will know what’s going on.
- PUT T1D ON DISPLAY. Integrate your diabetes tech into your stream—this can be a great way to educate and engage your audience. Get creative! We have seen streamers check their blood sugar as an incentive, demonstrate how their pump works, and even link their CGM reading with their streaming software so their blood sugar reading displays on-screen.
- ACTIVATE MILESTONES AND INCENTIVES. Milestones and incentives encourage people to donate. You can set these up in Tiltify to integrate them into your campaign, along with many other features found in your Tiltify dashboard.
- Milestones are things you do when you hit a certain amount raised—like eating a spoonful of hot sauce, dying your hair, or taking a pie to the face. These work best when they’re entertaining to your audience but also challenging to you. (Eating hot sauce isn’t such a big deal if you’re immune to spice!) But also make sure to stay safe and don’t commit to doing things you can’t follow through on.
- Incentives are rewards your donors can “buy” with their donations. They can relate to a game you’re playing (“pledge $5 and I’ll play one-handed for five minutes”). They can also be related to your real-world setup and talents (“pledge $10 and I’ll juggle on camera”). And they can be silly (“pledge $25 and I’ll wear a dinosaur costume for the next hour”). They can even be digital or physical prizes—but remember you’re on the hook for getting these prizes to your donors after the charity stream ends.
- Plug your milestones and incentives during your stream. You can list them in your panels or create a chat command like !milestones to easily remind people what they are. Also mention milestones and incentives occasionally while you stream, to encourage donations. And make sure you follow through! There’s nothing more disappointing to a donor than shelling out for an incentive or milestone and having it go ignored.
- TAKE A POLL. Tiltify polls allow you to harness the power of democracy by letting the donations do the talking. By creating a poll, you put the power in the collective hands of the donors and could result in a different hairstyle, color, or "delicious" food you might have to consume at the end of your campaign. Learn how to activate a Tiltify poll here.
- USE OUR RESOURCES & ASSETS. By integrating things like a fundraising overlay (a progress bar that updates in real time as you receive donations), on-stream alerts (display on your stream when you receive a donation), and more, you’ll be able to keep the hype at 💯 as you work to hit your fundraising goals!
- DOUBLE YOUR IMPACT. Employers often match their employees’ charitable giving! See if your employer offers matching gifts and have your team members do the same. You’ll hit your fundraising goals in no time!
- TAKE IT OFFLINE. Those who raise funds both online and offline raise three times more than those who fundraise just one way. Have a bake sale, make a phone call or start a conversation while at a community event.
- MAKE IT EASY TO DONATE. Donations can be made to your Tiltify campaign using a PayPal account, Amazon Pay (the credit card linked to your Amazon account), or a credit card through PayPal (no account required). Here are some ways to make the process easy for donors:
- Put a Donate graphic in your panels and link it to your Tiltify campaign. You can use one of the graphics or logos we provide in this toolkit, create your own—just make sure it stands out among your other panels so it’s easy to spot.
- Create a !donate chat command with a link to your Tiltify campaign. Put this chat command in your stream title and keep reminding people about it while you’re streaming. You can also set up a chatbot or ask your mods to type it in at regular intervals (like every five minutes).
- Add the Tiltify extension to your Twitch panels. This includes a handy funding bar to show your progress.
- Display a QR code on-screen. Go to the Overlay tab in the Tiltify dashboard to create a unique QR code that points to your campaign page.
- Make the first donation. Before your charity stream starts, it’s a good idea to make a donation to your own campaign to test that alerts are working. Added bonus: people who make the first donation to their campaign are shown to raise more money!
Fundraising Tutorials
Talking Points
Pointing your viewers to specific research or initiatives that excite you can encourage people to donate. Make this easy by creating a chat command that displays the URL of a page on that gives details about how Breakthrough T1D funds research or a peek inside the lab. Here are a few links to get you started:
- Introducing Breakthrough T1D: About Our Evolved Brand
- Type 1 Diabetes Basics
- T1Detect: Learn Why You Should Be Screened
- Clinical Trial Connections
- About Our Advocacy
- Insulin Affordability: Breakthrough T1D Joins Civica to Make Low-Cost Insulin Available to All Americans
- How We Maximize Your Donations
- Type 1 Diabetes Index
General facts about T1D and Breakthrough T1D to mention during your charity stream:
Twitch Channel Commands
Chat commands are a great way to provide information about Breakthrough T1D and your charity stream to your viewers. Here’s the list of commands we use on the Breakthrough T1D Twitch channel. Feel free to add some of these to your own channel.
🌐 denotes data is from
🌐1 in 3 people living with Type 1 Diabetes don’t make it to age 55.
🌐1 in 8 children globally who develop type 1 diabetes die soon after onset.
🌐Worldwide, 8.7 million people live with T1D today, and this number has been doubling every 15 years. If we stay on this path, by 2040, nearly 7 million people will be missing due to T1D.
Identify the symptoms of T1D by remembering the 4 Ts. // [1️⃣] Toilet – going to the loo a lot, bed wetting by a usually dry child or heavier nappies in babies; [2️⃣] Thirsty – being really thirsty and not being able to quench the thirst; [3️⃣] Tired – feeling more tired than usual ;[4️⃣] Thinner – losing weight or looking thinner than normal.
Thanks to our sponsor, Abbott, products like the FreeStyle Libre 2 and 3 systems help people living with type 1 diabetes manage their care with access to real-time glucose readings without the need for fingersticks. Learn more: T1D
Breakthrough T1D is the leading global type 1 diabetes (T1D) research and advocacy organization. Our mission is to improve lives today and tomorrow by accelerating life-changing breakthroughs to cure, prevent and treat T1D and its complications. Breakthrough T1D Play is our partnership with the gaming and streamer community. Learn more at https://www.Breakthrough and
Tips for making your Twitch page accessible: and
Urge Congress to Support Insulin Affordability: https://www.Breakthrough
Breakthrough T1D Advocates help build and sustain critical support for type 1 diabetes (T1D) research funded by the federal government by raising awareness among members of congress of the financial, medical, and emotional costs of the disease. Join us and learn more: https://www.Breakthrough
Sign up to be a Breakthrough T1D Advocate! https://www.Breakthrough
Omnipod Bay is a diabetes-friendly island in Animal Crossing: New Horizons. Use dream code DA-9645-5879-6910 or search for OmnipodBay (no space) when you lie down to sleep. Make sure to stop by the Breakthrough T1D booth and snap a selfie with Rufus! Learn more: T1D
Check out Breakthrough T1D’s Play Streaming Assets!
Beyond Type 1 is a nonprofit organization changing what it means to live with diabetes. Through platforms, programs, resources and grants, Beyond Type 1 is uniting the global diabetes community and providing solutions to improve lives today.
You can find industry news, inspirational stories and practical help on our websites and social channels available in numerous languages for type 1 and type 2 diabetes.
Beyond Type 1 offers content in nine different languages including English, Spanish, Arabic, Italian, French, Dutch, Swedish, German and Portuguese.
Sign up for Beyond Type 1’s newsletter to read our best articles, get updates from the organization, and more.
Beyond Type 1 offers a variety of programs primarily focused on addressing problems faced by the diabetes community and providing peer support. These include: (for insulin access support), the Warning Signs Campaign, Snail Mail Club (a pen pal program), Diabetes Scholars (a scholarship program for students with T1D), and more. Find a full list of programs, platforms, and past projects:
Follow us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter:
Every two years, about 160 kids representing every state in the US visit Washington DC, where they meet members of Congress to discuss issues important to people with type 1 diabetes (T1D). Learn more: https://cc.Breakthrough
Want to use Crowd Control during your charity stream? This article will get you started:
💭Join our Discord to find out about upcoming events and opportunities, share your connection to T1D, and connect with Breakthrough T1D staff and other content creators in our community: Breakthrough
Diabetic Ketoacidosis (DKA) is a serious condition in which an insulin-deprived body seeks energy from stored fat. Ketones are caused by the breakdown of fat when there isn’t enough insulin to allow the glucose (sugar) into your cells for energy. When ketones build up, the result is acidosis (too much acid in the blood). If not treated, this can lead to death. More: https://www.Breakthrough
💸Let’s turn type 1 into type none! 🔗Donate here: T1D
For those of you based in the US, you can get a free trial of the FreeStyle Libre 2 or 3 sensor through the MyFreeStyle program. It’s a diabetes education and support program that will teach you how to use your FreeStyle Libre sensor and give you tips on diabetes management. Learn more at T1D
For more information about the Breakthrough T1D Play program please check out this link!
🌐Over 1.4 million people are living with Type 1 Diabetes in the U.S.
hugs $(user)
Humble Bundle is an incredible partner that has donated more than $1.3M to Breakthrough T1D since 2019. We don’t have a promotion running right now, but you we’ll get a small cut if you use our affiliate link: T1D&charity=486
🎁Check out our lineup of Season 5 (July 1, 2023 – June 30, 2024) incentives, starting out at $100! T1D
Insulin helps regulate blood-sugar levels throughout the day and night, a key to managing diabetes. People with type 1 diabetes (T1D) rely on insulin therapy to help manage their blood-glucose levels. While insulin therapy keeps people with T1D alive, it is not a cure, nor does it prevent the possibility of T1D’s serious side effects. Learn more: https://www.Breakthrough
If you or someone you love is struggling to access insulin, can help. At, you can create a customized access plan, and find copay cards and assistance programs you may qualify for based on your location, types of insulin you use, income level and insurance coverage.
This website has tons of resources to support you! https://www.Breakthrough
!Breakthrough T1D
Breakthrough T1D is the leading global funder of type 1 diabetes research. We’re creating a world that’s safer for those living with T1D, until one day we live in a world without this disease. Learn more at http://www.Breakthrough and smash that donate button below to change lives!
🌐For every 2 people living with Type 1 Diabetes, 1 person has lost their life.
Thanks for joining us! Have a nice Lurk $(user)!
Type 1 diabetes affects more than just the physical. It’s emotionally taxing and tests our constitutions daily. Whether you have type 1 or are a caregiver for someone who has it, you should know first that you are not alone. For resources:
Find your local Breakthrough T1D Chapter (US Only): https://www.Breakthrough
Find your international affiliate https://www.Breakthrough
Diabetic neuropathy is a type of nerve damage which can affect nerves in many parts of your body. Common early symptoms of nerve damage include numbness, tingling or sharp pains in the feet or lower legs. More: https://Breakthrough
Sign up to get emails about upcoming Breakthrough T1D Play fundraising campaigns and events here:
copy this message to paste in chat after we raid: Breakthrough T1D RAID! <3 <3 <3
Welcome in raiders! Thank you so much for your support, $(touser)!<3 You can check them out at$(touser).
🥳The Breakthrough T1D Play community has raised $3M through video game and livestream fundraisers since our first events in November 2019.
Ready Type 1 is our Ambassador program. Everyone on the team has a connection to type 1 diabetes. Interested in joining? Fill out this form:
🔬Breakthrough T1D is the world’s largest nonprofit funder of type 1 diabetes (T1D) research. With your support, we hope to find cures for T1D and improve the lives of those affected by it—and to do it as quickly as possible. Learn more about our research strategy and where your dollars go: https://www.Breakthrough T1D-research-strategy/
Access Breakthrough T1D Play talking points, assets, fundraising tips, and other tools to help with your charity stream:
Play Breakthrough T1D One World in Roblox! https://www.Breakthrough
🧸Rufus, the Bear with Diabetes has provided comfort and companionship to newly diagnosed children with T1D for 25+ years. Rufus has special patches to interact with a free mobile companion app that can open up a new world of learning and playing for you and your child with diabetes! Rufus gives children hands-on practice with counting carbs, monitoring blood sugar, and dosing with insulin using virtual diabetes care tools. Buy your own Rufus: https://shop.Breakthrough T1D-Rufus
📅Find our full schedule of upcoming streams here: T1D/schedule
Get a tee shirt that works in Breakthrough T1D One World and all of Roblox! T1D-One-World-T-Shirt
Sign up to stream for Breakthrough T1D Play here: T1D
Go check out $(touser) at$(touser)
🤗Follow us on X and Instagram to stay up to date, and tag us when you tweet about your Breakthrough T1D charity streams. We’ll help you signal boost… and we may just show up to say hi. 🙂 T1DPlay // T1DPlay/
If you or a loved one has been newly diagnosed with type 1 diabetes (T1D) and/or is looking for support, we’ve got the information you need to understand and manage the disease so you can stay strong and healthy until we find a cure: https://www.Breakthrough
Type 1 diabetes (T1D) is an autoimmune disease in which insulin-producing beta cells in the pancreas are mistakenly destroyed by the body’s immune system. People with T1D are dependent on injected or pumped insulin to survive. Its causes are not fully known, and there is currently no cure. T1D seems to have a genetic component and can be diagnosed early in life but also in adulthood. Learn more: https://www.Breakthrough
Learn more about T1Detect and order your kit here: https://www.Breakthrough
🌐The T1D Index measures how many people live with the condition, the healthy years of life it takes from people living with type 1 diabetes (T1D), and what can be done to reduce its impact. Type 1 diabetes has never before been measured in this way or at this scale. 🔗 // P.S. (if you see a command with a 🌐next to it – it’s from the T1D Index!)
Type 2 diabetes (T2D) is a metabolic disorder in which a person’s body still produces insulin but is unable to use it effectively. T2D is often diagnosed later in life and can be due to genetic predisposition or behavior. It can often be managed with diet and exercise or medication. More serious cases may require insulin therapy. Learn more: https://www.Breakthrough
Get involved with Breakthrough T1D by participating in various programs and initiatives, and/or signing up for Breakthrough T1D newsletter: https://www.Breakthrough
Fundraise for Breakthrough T1D by registering a campaign on Tiltify: T1D
Time-in-range (TIR) is a measurement that tells you what percentage of the day your blood sugars are in your goal range. While using a CGM, you often work with your healthcare team to set “low” and “high” alarms that determine the appropriate goal range for your blood sugar levels. Learn more about TIR here: https://www.Breakthrough
Learn more about current type 1 clinical trials and sign up to join a clinical trial today: https://www.Breakthrough
$(urlfetch T1D)
🌐8.7 million people live with T1D around the world; 3.9 million people who had T1D should be alive today; and the average person loses 32 years of health life due to T1D. T1D is one of the fastest growing non-communicable conditions on the planet.
The Breakthrough T1D Youth Ambassador (YA) Program was created for children and teens (ages 5 – 18) living with type 1 diabetes (T1D) who are interested in becoming involved with the educational, fundraising, and volunteer efforts of their local Breakthrough T1D community.
Social Media Checklist
Make the most of social media platforms like X, Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, and Discord to support your charity streaming and fundraising! Here are some ideas:
- Announce your fundraiser to your social media followers and in your Discord communities. (We have social templates you can use—find them below under Streaming Assets.)
- Share campaign updates throughout your campaign. Your community will want to see the progress you’ve made toward your fundraising goal!
- Create videos to provide details about your upcoming charity streams throughout your campaign—why you’re streaming for the cause, what you’ll be playing, etc.
- Offer a behind-the-scenes look at your game play space.
- Post Q&As with key individuals about the cause, your fundraiser, etc.
- Post live updates while you’re streaming with donation asks and calls to action for social media followers who may not be watching live. Ask your community to do the same.
- Thank your donors. Live alerts during your stream are great, but tagging and shouting people out on social media another way to go above and beyond to show gratitude!
- Share Breakthrough T1D and Breakthrough T1D Play social media posts (including local chapters or international affiliates) as a reminder of what your community is supporting.
Donation Matching Guide
Doubling isn’t just for gum anymore! Read this guide to learn how donation match challenges and corporate matching gifts can double your impact in a Breakthrough T1D Play fundraiser.
Streaming Assets
Overlays, logos, and other goodies to let your viewers know you’re fundraising for Breakthrough T1D and help track progress toward your goal.
Social Media Templates
Hosting a charity stream outside of event season? Use Canva to customize our evergreen social media templates. (For event-specific templates, visit the #Resources channel on our Discord.)
Want to create a different sized design?
In the Canva editor, click Resize on the menu bar and select the size you want to adapt the design for, and then Copy & Resize or Resize! Check out Canva’s Getting Started Guide for more tips.
Rufus Emotes
To use Rufus emotes:
Find these on under Shared Emotes and select “Add to Channel.” Anyone who has BTTV enabled will be able to use and see these in your Twitch chat.
Fundraising Overlays
Embed a fundraising overlay in your stream to track progress toward your goal. Alternatively, you can create a custom overlay through your Tiltify campaign dashboard.
- Get the URL for your Tiltify campaign
(example: - Replace the Tiltify portion of this URL with the portion shown in red (example: - Add this URL to your streaming software as a “new browser source” or embedded webpage.
Static Fundraising Bar
Large (1920 x 100 pixels)
Sample URL:
Medium (495 x 100 pixels)
Sample URL:
Small (260 x 100 pixels)
Sample URL:
Animated Fundraising Bar
Large (900 x 100 pixels)
Sample URL:
Medium (495 x 100 pixels)
Small (260 x 100 pixels)
Sample URL:
Donation Alerts
Pop up a Breakthrough T1D Play “thank you” message when you get a donation.
Scene Transitions
You can play these transitions when you switch between scenes or camera views.
Or use our animated logos and gradients to create your own transitions.
Stream Scenes
The assets provided are intellectual property and copyright to Breakthrough T1D. They must be rendered and used exactly as supplied. For the logos, do not change spacing, alignment, or relative locations of the design elements. Do not change the proportions of any of the design elements or the design itself. You may resize as needed but must retain all proportions. For the videos, no edits can be made without the permission of Breakthrough T1D. Any reproduction or illegal distribution of the content in any form will result in immediate action by Breakthrough T1D.