June Newsletter: JDRF Game2Give is now Breakthrough T1D Play!

New name, who dis?! Earlier this month, JDRF announced that the organization has a new name: Breakthrough T1D™.

We decided to jump on the bandwagon and change our name too! The program formerly known as JDRF Game2Give® is now Breakthrough T1D Play. We love this change for multiple reasons, which you can read about here.

Wondering what this change means for the organization and its mission? You can learn more here.


#BlueHeartAwards Ceremony: June 27

Our fifth season of fundraising closes in just fourteen days! With your help, we’ve raised nearly $800K for type 1 diabetes (T1D) research in the past year, with $200K of this coming from participation in charity stream events. This is the MOST we’ve ever raised since our program founding in late 2019, so high fives all around: this is an amazing accomplishment for our community and we cannot thank you enough!

To mark this momentous occasion, join us in chat for our second annual community awards ceremony (#BlueHeartAwards), happening June 27 at 12 p.m. PT / 3 p.m. ET / 8 p.m. BST on the Breakthrough T1D Twitch channel.

During the ceremony, we’ll look back on the past year and celebrate community members who went above and beyond during our fifth fundraising season. (Remember, our fundraising seasons run from July 1 to June 30!) We’ll award 3D printed #BlueHeart trophies (thanks to our pal, Toonafeesh!) in nine categories including Top Fundraisers, Ambassador of the Year, Community MVP, and one of our new categories: Advisor of the Year!

We’ll also unveil our new Season 6 incentives during the ceremony, designed by fellow Ready Type 1 Ambassador and uber-talented T1D artist 8bitVal. Join us June 27 to see the designs they came up with!


Save the Date: First Fundraising Events of Season 6!

NEW! Australian National Diabetes Week: July 14–21, 2024

In honor of Australia’s National Diabetes Week 2024, Breakthrough T1D Play and JDRF Australia are teaming up to raise funds for the 130K people living with type 1 diabetes in Australia.

From July 14–21, 2024, we’re asking Australian creators to fundraise and boost T1D awareness by hosting a charity stream. Registration opens on Tiltify on July 1—we hope to see all our Aussie pals “GO LIVE” for type 1 diabetes cures down under. Already know you’re in to host a charity stream for this event in July? Fill out the survey here:

Game Over, T1D! returns August 16-25, 2024

With the start of summer means one thing… Game Over, T1D is back! Registration opens on Tiltify on July 1, 2024 and the event will culminate in August with ten days of high-powered charity streaming. We’ll be leaning into gaming tourneys during this event… Stay tuned for details!

Streamer Spotlight: SpicedEliastrations

“Rolling… $4 away from $27K for the JDRF!”
*insert banana dancing with maracas here*
“They’re taking the hobbits to Isengard!”

Any of these sound familiar to you? If so, you may be a big fan of Ready Type 1 Ambassador SpicedEliastrations like we are!

SpicedEliastrations (aka Elia) was diagnosed in 2000 at eight years old and remembers JDRF (now Breakthrough T1D) being there to offer not only resources to help learn the ropes, but also awesome support.

“I found Game2Give [now Play] through 8BitVal on Twitch. We crossed paths being from the Art community and I immediately wanted to get involved. I hadn’t heard the name JDRF in a long time and it brought back that feeling of not being alone on this life-with-diabetes journey.”

Spiced Eliastrations

Making others not feel alone is also a specialty of Elia’s. Using her superpowers of art (did you know she made some of the emotes in our Discord?) and creativity (see above) to connect with her peers on Twitch and beyond, Elia continues to bring people together make an impact in the fight against T1D and so many other worthy causes.

“I always told myself that if I ever had a platform, I wanted to use my experiences for the good and I hope to keep using my platform to raise awareness in a way little Elia would feel not so alone and scared as a type 1 diabetic.”

We couldn’t have said it better ourselves, Elia. Thank you for being such an important and inspiring Ready Type 1 Ambassador. We are so proud of you—and we are sure little Elia would be proud of you, too!

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Breakthrough T1D Play (formerly JDRF Game2Give®) is a program within Breakthrough T1D™, the leading global type 1 diabetes (T1D) research and advocacy organization.

© 2024 Breakthrough T1D Play

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It’s National Diabetes Awareness Month (NDAM) and the Breakthrough T1D Play community is celebrating all month long! Join us for charity streams, giveaways, tournaments, and more as we work toward a $40K fundraising goal.